OBDC December Training Schedule

Upcoming OBDC Events: Elevate Your Business Expertise!

Dec. 7 – LLC Repair Workshop: Fixing Common Mistakes with D-I-Y LLCs Attend our online workshop for legal advice on managing your DIY LLC. Ambrose Moses III, Esq. will guide you through correcting common LLC issues. Register today to protect and strengthen your business. Register at OHBDC.eventbrite.com

Dec. 12 – Master the Art of Media & Press Releases Join OBDC’s training with Carol Hector-Harris to learn how to craft impactful press releases for the holiday season and new year. Enhance your business’s media presence by registering for this online session. Register at https://buytickets.at/OBDC

Dec. 13 – Mastering Media Interviews with Confidence Improve your media interview skills at OBDC’s “Mastering Media Interviews” session, led by Carol Hector-Harris. Register now to learn effective communication techniques with the press. Register at https://buytickets.at/OBDC

Dec. 14 – Understanding Estate Planning: Wills & Trusts for Entrepreneurs Join Ambrose Moses III, Esq. in this complimentary online workshop on estate planning for entrepreneurs. Learn how to safeguard your assets and ensure your wishes are fulfilled. Register now for this invaluable session at OHBDC.eventbrite.com

Dec. 15 – OBDC Certification 101: Unlocking Opportunities in Minority Business Discover the key to MBE, F/WBE, or DBE certifications in OBDC’s comprehensive class with Ronda Watson Barber. Register for this session to gain valuable insights into the certification process and networking opportunities. Register at: https://buytickets.at/OBDC

Can’t attend the Certification Class? Get our e-book for essential insights and guidance: Download the e-book.



CMHA issues new bid notice for Cobblestone Manor – new build

Exciting news for Ohio’s housing market! The CMHA has issued a bid notice for the new build of Cobblestone Manor. This is a great opportunity for contractors and builders to showcase their skills and contribute to the development of quality housing in the area. Head over to OhioMBE.com to view the full bid notice and get in on the action. Let’s continue to promote growth and progress in our community! #OhioHousing #CMHA #CobblestoneManor #OhioMBE #bidnotices

Make a Difference: Support Our Holiday Fundraiser for OBDC

As we reflect on our achievements and blessings, I extend my heartfelt wishes for a prosperous holiday season. As your advocate in the minority business community, my message today is one of empowerment and growth. Your contributions are vital to our community, and your success is our collective triumph.

As we bid farewell to 2023, let’s share some crucial updates. Regrettably, the City of Columbus has withdrawn funding for the minority planroom and related services that we’ve proudly offered since 2017. However, this is not a setback but a stepping stone. We’re actively seeking new partnerships with organizations aligned with our vision and mission.

At the Ohio Business Development Center (OBDC), we stand apart from the political landscape. We are not political appointees, nor do we engage in political games. Our focus is solely on our expertise and long-standing commitment to supplier diversity. For years, we have dedicated our professional careers to empowering and training Black-owned businesses. This dedication is not a recent development; it is the core of who we are and what we do. Our work in the supplier diversity space is driven by knowledge, experience, and an unwavering commitment to the businesses we serve.

OBDC remains steadfast in supporting Black businesses and other underrepresented entrepreneurs, especially amidst the unprecedented construction boom in Central Ohio. Remember, your voice, your business, and your concerns are pivotal to us. We are committed to inclusion and diversity, unapologetically advocating for Black business interests.

In the spirit of giving, I humbly ask for your consideration in supporting our non-profit initiatives. Your donations are instrumental in helping us help you. Donations can be made at https://givebutter.com/obdc.

For updates on our December training schedule and more, please visit OHBDC.org.

Wishing you all the success and happiness this holiday season.

CRAA issues bid notice for Open Green Lot Overflow

Open Green Lot Overflow
John Glenn Columbus International Airport

The Columbus Regional Airport Authority values diversity and inclusion and the impact small and minority-owned firms have on the Central Ohio economy.  The Columbus Regional Airport Authority invites you to access the following link: www.columbusairports.diversitycompliance.com to  register to do business with us and to view new bid opportunities and results. Email BusinessDiversity@ColumbusAirports.com for questions about the Diversity Programs at Columbus Regional Airport Authority.

CRAA issues bid notice for RGLP Cargo Campus Wetland Fillin & Stream Relocation

RGLP Cargo Campus Wetland Fill In and Stream Relocation
Rickenbacker International Airport

The Columbus Regional Airport Authority values diversity and inclusion and the impact small and minority-owned firms have on the Central Ohio economy.  The Columbus Regional Airport Authority invites you to access the following link: ww.columbusairports.diversitycompliance.com

to  register to do business with us and to view new bid opportunities and results. Email BusinessDiversity@ColumbusAirports.com for questions about the Diversity Programs at Columbus Regional Airport Authority.

CMHA issues bid notice for Video Surveillance Security Cloud-Based Solution

LEGAL NOTICE-2023-026 RFP Video Surveillance Security Cloud-based  Solution 

The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority is seeking a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the procurement of Video Surveillance Security Cloud-based Solution.  The response deadline is Friday December 15th, 2023, at 2:00PM. A pre proposal conference/walk through is scheduled for 9:00 AM Monday December  4th, 2023 @ 940 Caldwell Place, Columbus Ohio 43203. You can obtain a copy  of this RFP by visiting the website, www.cmhanet.com or by contacting the  Purchasing Department by calling 614-421-4434, 8:00 AM–4:00 PM, Monday – Friday. 

Discover Construction Opportunities: OhioMBE Procurement Fair – Dec. 19, 2-4 pm!

Mark your calendar for the highly anticipated OhioMBE Procurement Fair on December 19, sponsored by the Ohio Department of Transportation! Here’s a glimpse of the organizations you’ll have the chance to connect with:

Participating Organizations:

  • City of Westerville
  • Columbus Airports
  • Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority
  • Columbus Zoo & Aquarium
  • Elford Construction
  • Gilbane Construction
  • Ohio Department of Transportation

Event Details:

  • Date: December 19
  • Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
  • Location: State Library of Ohio, 274 E. 1st Avenue

This tailored event for construction companies and construction material suppliers offers 15-minute one-on-one appointments with key organizations committed to supplier diversity.

Secure Your Spot: Tickets are in high demand, and our last session sold out. Don’t miss this opportunity to foster valuable connections and propel your business forward!

Get Your Tickets Here: https://buytickets.at/the912group

Join us for an afternoon of networking, collaboration, and growth. We look forward to seeing you at the State Library of Ohio!

Columbus Zoo issues new design RFP

🌿 Exciting Opportunity! 🌟 Columbus Zoo and Aquarium is seeking design proposals for the Ohio Wildlife Conservation Center/Habitat Hollow Renovation. 🏡 Help transform the interactive space and create a new haven for fresh water species! 🦎 Submit sealed proposals to Karen Huebel by Dec 13, 2023, 12:00 pm local time. For details and inquiries, visit https://ohiombe.com/archives/22296 for details 📩 #DesignProposal #ColumbusZoo #WildlifeRenovation #OhioMBE #BidNotices #SupplierDiversity

The SSA Group issues RFP for Architectural Engineering and Interior Design Services

Project: Smok’t – North American Restaurant
Location: Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, North America Exhibit
Client: The SSA Group in partnership with Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
Request for Proposal: Architectural Engineering and Interior Design Services

Scope of Work:

  1. Conceptual Design: Development of design concept and layouts, including 3D renderings.
    Schematic Design: Detailed floor plans, elevations, sections, kitchen equipment layouts, and material coordination.
  2. Design Development: Detailed design coordination, including plans, schedules, finishes, and equipment lists.
  3. Construction Documents: Final design details for construction and permit applications.
  4. Construction Administration: Coordination with contractors, review of shop drawings, RFI answers, and site visits.

Restaurant Vision:

Smok’t aims to provide a world-class guest experience, uniquely positioned next to the sea otter exhibit.
Design must integrate steel frame and glass walls to merge indoor and outdoor spaces effectively.
Building size: Approximately 5000 sq ft, accommodating 200 indoor dining seats plus 200 outdoor seats.
Proposal Requirements:

  • Introduction of the firm, including history and relevant experience.
  • Clear understanding of project objectives and proposed approach.
  • Detailed scope of work, timelines, and project team.
  • Resumes of project team members.
  • At least three references.
  • Detailed fee proposal, including all costs and any additional services.
  • Design and project management process overview.
  • Estimated timeline with key milestones and deliverables.

Additional Requirements:

  • 10% of the fee structure must involve a local firm.
  • 10% of the fee structure must be with a minority-owned firm.
  • Coordination with FG Schaeffer (kitchen design) and PGAV (architect of record).
  • Coordination with Bayes Building Group (construction management).

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Understanding of project requirements and objectives.Firm and team qualifications and experience.
  • Proposed project approach, methodology, timeline, and deliverables.
  • Fee proposal assessment.

Bid Submission Deadline: December 1st
Submission Contact: Nick Rado, Email: nickrado@thessagroup.com
Inquiries Contact: Phone: 937-219-3227 or Email: nickrado@thessagroup.com

Note: Proposals must be comprehensive, demonstrating an understanding of the vision and objectives, and showcasing the ability to deliver a modern, functional, and enjoyable environment for Smok’t restaurant.