CRAA issues bid notice for Taxiway C Relocation Phase 2

Columbus Regional Airport Authority
Taxiway C Relocation Phase 2 Project #24044

The Columbus Regional Airport Authority values diversity and inclusion and the impact small and minority-owned firms have on the Central Ohio economy.  The Columbus Regional Airport Authority invites you to access the following link: to  register to do business with us and to view new bid opportunities and results. Email for questions about the Diversity Programs at Columbus Regional Airport Authority.

Kokosing Industrial seeks subs/suppliers for the Pearl Pump Station Renovation project

Attention MBE/FBE/CSB City of Cleveland Certified Firms

Kokosing Industrial, Inc. (6235 Westerville Road, Westerville, OH 43081) is preparing bids for the Pearl Road Pump Station Renovations project located in Cleveland, Ohio which bids May 11, 2023.  The work consists of modifications to the existing pump station including but not limited to replacement of pumps and motors, replacement of valves and piping, replacement of electrical equipment and instrumentation, structural and architectural rehabilitation work, HVAC and plumbing improvements, and site improvements.

We are seeking quotes for any portion of the project listed that you are qualified to perform or provide supplies for which includes the following: Photographic Documentation, Demolition, Hazardous Material Abatement, Reinforcing Steel, CIP Concrete, Precast Concrete, Precast Prestressed Concrete Hollow Core Planks, Masonry, Structural Steel, Metal Fabrications, Waterproofing, Thermal Insulation, Fluid-Applied Membrane Air Barriers, TPO Roofing, Firestopping, Joint Sealants, Hollow Metal Doors and Frames, Painting, High Performance Coatings, Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical, Aggregates, Clearing, Paving, Steel Fencing,  Instrumentation and Controls.  

Bidding documents can be examined online by emailing Sonja Nichols at for the link.  Please send your quote to by 12:00 PM May 10, 2023 or Fax 614-212-5711.  

“Kokosing Industrial is an equal opportunity employer.”

CRAA issues bid notice for Roof Top Replacement at Rickenbacker Airport

Columbus Regional Airport Authority
Roof Top Unit (RTU) Replacement at 7250 Star Check Drive Project #23059

The Columbus Regional Airport Authority (CRAA) invites you to visit to view active solicitation opportunities and results as well as register as a vendor with CRAA.

The Columbus Regional Airport Authority values diversity and inclusion and the impact small and minority-owned firms have on the Central Ohio economy.  The Columbus Regional Airport Authority invites you to access the following link: to  register to do business with us and to view new bid opportunities and results. Email for questions about the Diversity Programs at Columbus Regional Airport Authority.